11 Feb2018
Written by aeb4mvb. Posted in Museums sheets

The Restored Neolithic Tankard with an ovoid body and ribbon-shaped handles, is from Pontedera.
During the works of the shore of Scolmatore, near Piaggio company downstream the railway bridge, several ceramic and paleo-botanical findings were unearthed, including the tankard almost intact and a cup.
The findings of two vases lies in an isolated position can indicate a burial.
11 Feb2018
Written by aeb4mvb. Posted in Museums sheets

Some examples of jasper and flint arrow tips of Eneolithic Age.
Finds come from Palaia territory (at the center) and from settlement of Pian delle Vigne in Lajatico along the course of La Sterza stream.
Another interesting find from the same area is an Eneolithic ax-hammer, also preserved in the museum.
Palaia – Lajatico
11 Feb2018
Written by aeb4mvb. Posted in Museums sheets

The decorated spindle with delicate texture is from Podere Casanuova.
Podere Casanuova village, near Pontedera, covered more than 7500 sq.m. and it is one of the most extensive and structured village of Tuscany during the end of Neolithic.
It came to light during the enlargement works of the Arno river drainage channel, six meters deep from the countryside level.
Podere Casanuova – Pontedera
11 Feb2018
Written by aeb4mvb. Posted in Museums sheets

Non-figured funerary monuments are very common in Valdera, they are made by marble memorial stones in a club-shaped, occasionally decorated with various ornaments or inscriptions. The memorial stone on the left is from Villa Saletta (Palaia), while the other on the right side was found in Saltero (Capannolli).
Palaia – Capannoli
11 Feb2018
Written by aeb4mvb. Posted in Museums sheets

Reconstruction at scale 1:1 (carried out by the association Naturaliter) of a section of the hut and of the surrounding area, on the basis of the tracks provided during the archeological excavation of the Neolithic Village of Podere Casanuova (Pontedera).
It is possible to see part of the hut with the material used for its construction, reconstructions of the original appearance and how to use some of the tools as the vertical frame, pots and typical vases of the time.
Podere Casanuova – Pontedera