Author Archive

Prehistory: the major invention of Neolithic


Know the main productive activities of Neolithic.

Theoretical part

The itinerary includes the visit to the material displayed in the Museum. Will be observed the life-sixe reconstruction of part of the prehistoric village of Podere Casanova as well as its original finds. We will illustrate the stages that brought to the productive economy during Neolithic Age, focusing on the manufacture of terracotta vases.

Practical part

During the laboratory, will be reproduced the vases of the village by the use of Colombino technique and the various types of decoration.


III grade of primary school

Prehistory: the birth of art


Know the fundamental stages of human evolution and the earliest artistic manifestations of mankind documented by archeology.

Theoretical part

Through a video-projection, will be illustrated the fundamental stages of human evolution, from the first hominids to the Neolithic Revolution; with special reference to the first artistic manifestations in prehistory and their magical-religious meanings.

The itinerary includes the visit to the rooms dedicated to Prehistory in Valdera.

Practical part

Students will use metallic pigments to reproduce a rupestrian painting with different techniques.


III grade of primary school

A day in the prehistory: experimental archeology


Have a good knowledge of the experimental technique used by human to guarantee its survivals, invention of the prehistoric period (Paleolithic-Neolithic).

Theoretical part

Children will observe how primitive man was able to weave, paint, prepare themselves to hunting and supply food. Explanatory panels will help the young visitors to experience the typical day of our ancestor.

Practical part

Experimental reproduction of the most important reference technique.


III-IV-V primary school

History excavation


Know the different stages of archeologist work through a direct approach to the methodology of excavation and its instruments.

Theoretical part

Description of the methodology of archeological excavation. The focus of the workshop is the excavation of ground levels with the collection of ceramic material already prepared.

Practical part

Graphic documentation of the excavation and first step of restoration of finds. Active participation in the excavation work with the suitable instruments as towels and brushes.


III-IV-V primary school

Visit at the archeological museum


Acquire the highlight of the human evolution from prehistory to the Middle Ages, with a specific reference to the archeological researches in Valdera.


The visit to the center, of about one hour, consist of a museum itinerary that aim to the reconstruct of Valdera’s story and, more generally to the ancient coastal Tuscia. It will be shown the archeological material from local excavation and dioramas of the various documented settlement types.


primary school high school

Rete muse ale della Valdera

Valdera Musei

Rete museale della Valdera

Regione Toscana


Comune di Capannoli

Municipalilty of

Terre di Pisa

Terre di Pisa

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