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Observation of the internal structure of plot of ground and life-forms present into the ground.

Theoretical part

Wil be disassembled the plot of ground to analyze the soil horizons that make up the soil. Through the use of the magnifying glasses and tweezers, we will analyze the composition of the ground, understanding its vital support functions as defender of form of life.

Practical part

Extraction of a plot of a ground with a specific drill, excavation of a soil profile and measurement of physical-chemical parameters of the various horizons.


primary school

Footprints tell us the story


Read and understand the information derived from observation, know the animals’ habits.

Theoretical part

Starting from the observation of fossil footprints, we will understand how they take shape, which information tell about the animal, till understood who it was and what he did.

Practical part

Observation of dinosaur’s footprints, realization of different animals footprints.


primary school III-IV-V grades high school

Lawn’s life


Have a good knowledge of the small animals that inhabit he lawn, get closer to nature, plants and insects world; observe live animals.


Armed with magnifying glasses and small boxes, children will explore Museum’s lawns looking for the inhabitants they collect various type of herbs and we will examine the different importance of plants and animals.

NOTE: for this workshop a comfortable clothing is required. There is a possibility for getting dirty.


nursery school

The wood and its inhabitants


Acquire a good knowledge of fauna and the environments typical of our local areas.

Theoretical part

The program examines the animals who inhabit the forest areas (fox, porcupine, squirrel, roe deer), studying their behaviors, routines and structures. Will be discovered the ties that bind animals and specific environments, in addition to studied the various strategies adopted against harsh winter conditions.

Children will learn to recognize also the tracks, understanding where and how recognize an inhabit of the forest.

Practical part

Students will be construct a diorama that represent a part of a wood with its typical fauna.


primary school

Colors of nature


Stimulate the observation of colors variety of nature, understand the mimicry process of animals.

Theoretical part

In nature everything has a purpose, also the most bizarre ornamentations and eye-catching colors has a specific function in the ecosystem.

Observing animals, students will learn to recognize the colors of alert and report and it will understood the fundamental importance of colors in nature.

Practical part

Mimicry game: mimicry of zebras.

By the construction of a little specimen, the students will experience the mimicry technique of zebras. Children can bring their works at home.


nursery school (diversified activity)primary school

Rete muse ale della Valdera

Valdera Musei

Rete museale della Valdera

Regione Toscana


Comune di Capannoli

Municipalilty of

Terre di Pisa

Terre di Pisa

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