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Roe deer


Common name: Roe deer

Scientific name: Capreolus capreolus

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Cervidae

Nutrition erbe diverse, corteccia, foglie, germogli di latifoglie, conifere e frutti.

Features: Belonging to the ungulate family, the roe deer has a reddish-brown mantle, with a grey fluff that characterizes the muzzle, of small size relative to the body and that ends, at the top, with two sharp horns. It eats several times a day (from 8 to 12). In summer it also eats at night. 

Curiosity: The call of this animal, more than a roaring, characteristic of the deer, reminds of the hoarse and slow bark of a dog.

Europe, Asia



Common name: Mouflon

Scientific name: Ovis orientalis

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Nutrition Grass and leaves of trees and shrubs.

Features: The horns of the mouflons, as well as those of all Bovidae, are made up of organic material similar to that which makes up our nails and our hair: the keratin. 

Curiosity: It eats mainly overnight, while during the day he takes shelter in the woods.

Mediterranean islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Cyprus), Asia Minor

European pine marten


Common name: European pine marten

Scientific name: Martes martes

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Mustelidae

Nutrition: Birds, rodents. Its diet also includes fruit and berries.

Features: It looks like the stone marten, but unlike the latter the characteristic spot present on the throat and on the chest is smaller and is never white but yellow. The long and furry tail is useful both in running and jumping because it acts as a stabilizer; the paws have an opposable fifth toe, thanks to which they exert a perfect grip on the trees. 

Curiosity: It is a very agile animal that climbs on the trees with extreme ease, quickly chasing dormouse and squirrels up to the highest tops.

Europe, Asia Minor

Common buzzard


Common name: Common buzzard

Scientific name: Buteo buteo

Class: Aves

Order: Accipitriformes

Family: Accipitridae

NutritionLittle mammal, insects, other birds, amphibious, beetles, reptiles and invertebrates.

Features: Bird of prey of medium size, it is recognizable by its head and its round tail. Its plumage can be completely dark as well as almost entirely white and, in April and in November, the moulting occurs. It is an excellent predator that can stay perched on a roost until it locates a suitable prey.

Curiosity: It don’t practice seasonal migrations.

Europe, south-western Africa, Asia Minor, India

White stork


Common name: White stork

Scientific name: Ciconia ciconia

Class: Aves

Order: Ciconiiformes

Family: Ciconiidae

NutritionInsects, earthworms, molluscs, amphibious, reptiles, fishes, little mammals, eggs of birds.

Features: It prefers damp environments, such as rice fields and lagoons, and open plains with agricultural fields. It is a migratory bird that, with the arrival of the low temperatures, flies mainly to South Africa where it finds plentiful food and warm weather. It is estimated that it can fly more than 100 km (60 miles) per day.

Curiosity: According to the Roman Mythology, the stork was consecrated to the goddess Venus (according to other versions to Juno).

Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia

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